Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the beloved holiday movie "The Polar Express" by bringing home the First Gift of Christmas with this shiny sleigh bell. Shake the metal Christmas tree ornament and see if the bell still rings for you—we have a feeling it will! The bell is dated to commemorate the year, and a tiny golden train ticket dangles from the faux leather hanger to encourage fans of all ages to believe in the magic of the holidays.| Key Features: Shake the bell to hear it ring. | Message: The Polar Express 2024 | Additional Details: Artist-crafted by Rodney Gentry. Metal and fabric Christmas ornament features hanger attachment. | Includes: One 2024 Keepsake Ornament in gift box for easy gift giving, preservation and storage. | Approx. Size in Inches: 2 x 2.4 x 2Hallmark THE POLAR EXPRESS and all related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s24)